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  • Advanced Care Dentistry - Woodinville, WA

Sedation Dentistry

At Advanced Care Dentistry, we can help ease your dental fear, anxiety and stress.

Offering Sedation Dentistry in Woodinville, WA
Do you feel nervous or stressed about your upcoming dental treatment? Well you’re not alone; in fact, almost 30 percent of the population experiences “dental phobia” when faced with visiting the dentist.

Thanks to advances in technology, we offer a way for our patients to receive treatment that is safe and comfortable; it’s called Sedation Dentistry. Sedation dentistry uses safe, effective methods to relax patients before and during their dental procedure. Dr. Marxen is specifically licensed and has been administering sedation for over 20 years…

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry provides safe, comfortable dental treatment for patients with special needs. Sometimes called relaxation dentistry, sedation dentistry is a method of managing pain and anxiety during professional dental care through the use of medication. Once you are sedated, local anesthetic is administered to numb the procedure area.

You can benefit from sedation dentistry if you experience any of the following:

  • Fear of dental care
  • Complex dental problems
  • Traumatic dental experiences
  • Fear of needles and shots
  • Trouble getting numb
  • Sensitive teeth

The three most common types of sedation dentistry are:

1. Inhalation Sedation
Inhalation sedation uses nitrous oxide and oxygen (laughing gas) to help your body achieve a relaxed state. This is the most popular form of sedation used in dentistry today.

2. Oral Conscious Sedation
Through this type of sedation you will experience relaxation while still being conscious. Your doctor will provide you with an oral medication such as Valium or Ativan that is easy to swallow, safe and low cost. This sedation is not as predictable as intravenous sedation.

3. Intravenous Moderate Conscious Sedation
This type of sedation is an altered state of consciousness, where you become disassociated with your surroundings. Memory, anxiety levels and perception of pain are greatly reduced, and you become very relaxed and comfortable. Most people who have IV Moderate Conscious Sedation think that they have been asleep because they cannot remember anything that went on from the start of the sedation to the time they leave the office. Any reasonably healthy person can have IV Moderate Conscious Sedation dentistry with any procedure available at our office, including teeth cleanings.

Dr. Marxen has been administering IV Moderate Conscious Sedation for over 20 years. He is specifically licensed to perform sedation dentistry by the state of Washington, whose guidelines and requirements are the most stringent in the country.

Contact our Woodinville, WA Dental Practice to learn more about Sedation Dentistry.